Such is really... At least I have time to sit & blog I suppose... : )»
Worm Barrel...
I started to harvest the worms from the half barrel farm Monday last week but got side tracked with the solar panel installation & painting the back stair area... The idea of the barrel farm was to have no drainage & run it as a "dry farm"... The tower farm was run like this last time as the semi composted horse manure blend that went in there was moist enough... The problem came when we had some heavy rain accompanied with strong wind gust.. Some of the water from when I water blasted the back stairs ended up in there as well but not much...
I finished going through about 3 quarters of it & used the last ¼ to top up the trays in the tower farm... It is a bit hard to gauge how many worms were in there by weight as I probably pulled out five 5-25mm (1/5 - 1inch) long worms for every adult + the hundreds if of eggs as well... Was very slow going as it was basically mud...
Solar Panels...
Just a quick clip on the Solar set up we had installed just over a week ago...
Still need the get the Feed in Meter installed by Energex but it is good to see the meter running backwards...
Wednesday Walk through with Potato & Tomato update by Moo...
Moo took the camera for this one & I only butted in once...
Or ½ a dozen times, but who's counting...
This weeks harvest...
B☼ made a great Warm salad last night to go with a roast Leg of Lamb using Our Beetroot, Sweet Potato Kohlrabi, Sweet Basil & Dill... She also added some Asparagus, Capsicum & Red Onion we bought at the shops...
That's about enough nattering from me I think...
Have a great one all...
: )»