Hey folks. Took the camera for a spin around the backyard to give you a look at how the aquaponics and the rest of the backyard farm is going in our Spring here in Ipswich Australia. There are a few plants that are booming and a few that needed to be "retired" due to infestation. Had a quick look st the new Root Pouch gardens and went through a few of the changes that have been made to the patch. This one's a bit longer than normal due to having a fair bit to cover folks. Will take it easier on you next clip ;)
Would also like to give a huge shout out and thanks to all the folks that are supporting our channel through a small monthly contribution on our Backyard Farm & Aquaponics Patreon page. Was also great chatting with a few of you today in the hangout and am looking forward to the next in a few weeks time. Hope you're all well and your gardens are booming, Rob.
Hi folks. Moved 24 of the silver perch into the old jade perch tank so they have a bit more room and decided to bring you along for a look. Found a few genetic abnormalities along the way and thought it may interest folks that also keep silver perch in their own aquaponic systems.
You can also find us on Patreon where I post mini updates on the aquaponics, chooks, worms, wicking bed gardens and other small tidbits daily. Hope you enjoy the look at the Silvers and your systems are all Booming. Cheers and all the best folks. Rob.
Have managed to knock off a few jobs to do with the aquaponics over the past week or so and Thought Id share them with you all.
Harvesting the Fish
I was asked if I could film a clip the next time I harvested some Jade perch from the aquaponics so folks could see how we do it here. I know it can be a bit daunting for new comers to aquaponics so I hope this helps you folks out. Have added in a quick look at some meals we make with the perch at the end of the clip for those that are curious.
Hopefully we'll have some free time next weekend to separate the silver perch between the 2 tanks. Am looking forward to trying them to see how they compare to the Jade perch.
Cleaning Out some Grow Beds
A few of the plants in the grow beds have gotten a bit unruly lately, so I decided they needed to be cut back a bit. All didn't go to plan but am happy with the results. Also planted out some seedlings to fill in some of the gaps the clean out created.
Was hoping to sow out a few seeds this week but that wasn't to be. Will pop in a few Asian Greens as well as a few other seedlings through the week I think. I hope you found how we harvest and process the fish interesting and enjoyed the look at some of the maintenance that was done. Feel free to share the clips if you found them helpful and you can also check out our YouTube home page for other useful Aquaponic and Backyard Farming playlists. Thanks for stopping by folks and I hope all your gardens are booming, Rob.
Hi Folks. Have rebuilt the insect netting hoop house to keep the Queensland fruit flies and cabbage butterflies from a few tomato plants and the remaining cauliflowers we have on the go in the backyard wicking beds. Was just in time as I found two Queensland fruit flies buzzing around while I was setting up the netting. They're an easy little build that really doesn’t cost a lot to make if you shop around and use recycled materials.
If you're interested in seeing one get knocked together let me know in the comment section below and I'll pull the camera out when we make up the next one. Hope you're having fun in the patch and your plants are booming. Rob.