Sunday, September 18, 2016

Harvesting Purple Congo Potatoes and Turmeric from the Poly culture Wick...

Hi Folks. I set about harvesting the volunteer Purple Congo Potatoes and turmeric from one of our polyculture wicking beds. What makes this harvest a bit of a bonus is that both plants are volunteers that have grown fairly well with little to no attention from us.

Have included a look inside the cooked spuds at the end & how some were used to make a potato salad.

Thanks for stopping by to check out our small harvest & feel free to share the clip with folks you think might be interested. 👍😊

Hope you're all well & your gardens are booming,


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Homemade Chicken Soup With Home Grown Veggies

Hi folks. Here's a look at our Homemade Asian style chicken soup using homegrown veggies & spice. Its a great recipe as you can adapt it to fit whatever veggies or flavourings you have on hand. It's very popular with the family & is made quite regularly here. We also use a similar base to make up our "Short Soup" with homemade wontons. Feel free to share it along if you think others might like to have a crack at cooking some up.