Today we finished renovating the old tomato bed & planted it out....
Trellis & Weed mat... |
Liner, Agg pipe & Sand added... |
Sugar Cane Mulch added.... |
Adding the last of the soil mix.... |
All Done.... |
4 Mini Roma Tomatoes were plated along with some Sage & Californian Capsicums.... All seedlings were planted on a small handful of worm castings.....
The bed in the foreground has 2 Thai eggplants (that we have transplanted & are hoping survive), the last of the Broccoli, some Honey pod peas & a Zucchini.....
The other bed that got some attention was the old Sweet potato bed....
New Carrot & Lettuce Bed... |
We planted some beetroot & Mixed Minuette Lettuce seedlings.... Some Mixed Minuette & Iceberg Lettuce seeds were planted to help stagger the harvest times....
Up the other end of the bed we planted 2 rows each of Chantenay Red Cored & Purple Haze Carrots...
To stop the Bird scratching around in the beds & digging up the seeds we made a make shift shade cover to protect them....
B also planted some more Snow peas as the seedlings we planted just don't appear to be doing much...
Cabbage & Broccoli Bed with Maya's Chinese cabbage & the Rainbow Silverbeet in the foreground.. |
Evil, EVIL Curl Grub of DOOM !!!!!!!!! |
We have dug out about 20 or so of these fellas over the last few days from the Soil mix we had waiting to be used..... They ranged in size from about 1.5 cm to the big fellas that are about 7-8.5cm long.... The Chooks are loving them & Bunny dog is enjoying the odd ½ one she finds in the pile... : )»
I am going to try & use some Neem based products to saturate the area around the plants to try & get rid of the pesky Buggers....
Here are some other shots of the garden as it stands Today....
Kira's Wicking Strawberry Barrel.... |
Have a great one all.....
: )»
Garden is looking good! Bet you will have huge chooks after eating those 'evil grubs of doom' lol!