The rain has been great for all.... Dams are full, no major flooding
(yet, **Crosses fingers**) & creeks have been flushed...

Our garden has loved the rain, well maybe not all the plants... The Pumpkins, Honey pod/Snow Peas all have a medium to bad case of Powdery Mildew...Is a sad day today as we need to pull the Honey Pod & some of the Snow Peas... are leaving ½ the Snow Peas as there looks to be 2 pickings worth of peas & another pickings worth of flowers coming on... Will be chopping up & digging in the old plants.. I was concerned about digging the infected plants into the soil so did a bit of a search on the Net & a few books.... I found out that it shouldn't be a concern for future crops in these areas... Thinking about some Lettuce & Kohlrabi & some climbing Beans on the small trellis.... There are also what I think are some Egg Plant seedlings coming through so might just see what pops up over the next week or so... Should consult the Queen B
☼ as well Me thinks...
The mini Roma Tomatoes are coming on nicely... Gave them a trim back around the stem to allow some air flow & also some branches that are encroaching onto the path..

The Chooks have really done a job under the mango tree.... I am thinking of fencing it off & planting some Chook greens.... Just need to work out what they will eat & wont now... We did grow NZ Spinach as we were told they loved it but refused to touch it... There is a "Grow your own Poultry & animal Forage" Kit available from
Green Harvest. so might try that If we can't come up with anything else...
Today's harvest.....
Most of the Zucchini will be cooked up with some Mushrooms, onion, & tomatoes to make our all purpose chunky sauce.... The last of this crop of Cabbage will make some coleslaw for tomorrow nights dinner along with the Honey Pod Peas...
Left : This Fungus was attached to the roots of some Snow Peas so shall be looking into what they may be a bit later...
Right : These little fellers are popping up everywhere along with 2 other types... I don't mind them but shall just see if they are going to pose a problem in the future...
If you have a suggestion for what food to plant the Chooks or know anything about the Fungus, please feel free to lets us know....
Cheers !!!
Have a great one all....
: )»
You are so lucky having the rain you have had , we only got 3 mls here where we are in Herron its in the South West of W.A. We only had enough rain to fill our 720 litre tank for drinking water only ! A bit more would be lovely to fill our main tank ! Your garden looks fabulous :)I love your blog list with photo's it looks great. How do you add the blog list?
Hi Sherrie...
ReplyDeleteI've heard from others that you need a few good down falls over your way... Hope it comes soon... The garden Is finely finished but now the learning/fun begins...
The Blog List is an option in the "Add a gadget" window that pops up... You can find it when you click on the "Design" option in your "Dashboard".....
You post in the details of the blogs you wish to display then select how you wish to display them from the options given...
The "Thumbnail of most recent item" option is the option to display the Picture from the chosen Blogs posts...
HTH & not confuse...
: )»