It will be big enough for the lawn mower & the hand tools as well as the Chook food...
I was pruning the lateral shots from the Tomatoes & noticed that the little Mutant Zuccumpkin looks to have taken !!!!! **Does happy Dance **
Shall be interesting to see how big it gets as the Butternut is covered with Powdery Mildew despite the watered down Milk treatment it has been getting...
This weeks harvest....
Beetroot leaves, lettuce, Zucchini, Beans, Kale, Silverbeet, & Last of the Honey Snap Peas/Cabbage...
We also got 3 eggs a day.....
We have had a very wet week, 105mm, & all the dams are overflowing... This is a good thing, For now.... I have heard that we can expect a fairly wet summer which could lead to the possibility of major flooding.... Hope it doesn't happen but will be prepared anyway...
Have a Great One all....
: )»
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